Happy summer everyone - it’s hot as Fury Road out there on this June day - is this really summer in San Francisco?? Our FURY adventure continues, and we’ve been working furiously to get the new performances and projects we have happening this summer and fall off the ground. I’m extremely excited that we’re expanding the whole FURY project beyond our live stage shows with new collaborations and projects.
We’re especially pleased to be GOING TO TOWN - with a Pop-up performance at Oakland First Fridays on July 5th, and our fall full performances at Tortona Big Top - also in downtown Oakland, on Sept. 13-14. For First Fridays, we’re collaborating with a few other Oakland based artists: Muralists Last Ones and Guillaume Ollivier will paint a large mural of dancer Adji Cissoko as "Furiosa" live during our performances, and DJ Kream (Oakhella) will spin between our three performances that evening. We’ll be at the 25th Street and Telegraph location.
We will also be kicking off our Kickstarter Campaign at First Fridays. We’re hoping to raise $40K to help us pursue all of these new opportunities. Besides the Pop-up and fall shows, the YASSOU band members and composer Kristina Dutton and players have been recording the music for a future digital release. We’re raising money to mix and master that, and since there is almost no such thing as releasing music without a music video these days, we are also making one of those! I’m pretty sure you’d agree that putting exquisite dancers like ours on film is pretty much necessary anyway - there needs to be a way for you to see them no matter where or when you’d like to. Check out our campaign when it goes live on July 5th. We had a lot of fun coming up with our rewards, and we hope they’ll entice you to help us out!
And finally, we’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to present FURY in a showcase at WAA - Western Arts Alliance - which is a large gathering of arts presenters in Los Angeles in late August. This is helping us build toward a tour for FURY next spring and summer.
Most of all, we really want to keep bringing our fans and our friends together around this whole inter-disciplinary odyssey. We’ve got a lot of energy around the possibilities, which feel fresh (like collaborating with muralists and DJs) and accessible (like recording the music for digital release), and like the art keeps inventing itself anew (like in our music video). We are excited that our performances and our Kickstarter will allow us to connect to more people and bring them along FURY’s growing creative adventure.
Yours truly, and Fury on… Kate
From left to right, your faithful music video director-Kate, choreographer Laura O'Malley and dancers Adji Cissoko, Maddie DeVries, Kat Eng (back to photo) and Frances Chung, 22 weeks pregnant! It was a blast.