PIcking up where the last blog left off, the other things we're working on in the background are getting a new LLC set up, - (now called CandyBomber LLC - I spent the holiday in Berlin with my fam so that's a hint on where to look for what it refers to), getting contracts done, and most work of all: getting a website, Eventbrite and social media sites to work, and work together. Editor Talia St. Claire took on all of our online presence, and let's just say it's been a wee bit of work. We also shot some video of choreographer Dani Rowe rehearsing a dancer, and interviewed James and LIlie for our social media posts. Stay tuned for those!
Meanwhile, the creative side is humming along. In the process for this show, music comes first and so James and Lilie started by making a rough outline of the length and mood of each story segment and event. Then they started making music, which will continue all summer. But we got the first drop from them a few weeks ago, which James described as the framework. So I made quiet time in my kitchen with my morning latte to listen - hoping I would love it. What I felt was this, "Wow, this is a show." That sounds like it starts off huge and loud, and it doesn't. The feeling was more like a "Stop, lIsten and watch because something is going on," kind of thing, and that felt great. Based on that first music, Dan had some input and ideas for James and Lilie as she's thinking of movement and how the story will unfold with dancers. So it was thumbs up to James and Lilie all around, and they can carry on. We'll get our second drop of music from them in early June and I'll get them to write a post then about what they're doing. In addition to themselves, they have a bunch of other musicians playing, recording, and writing for this show, and I can't begin to do it justice here.
Next on the creative trail, James, Lilie and I met with Luke Acret, Creative Director to review the story arc because he's creating the look and visuals for each of the musical/story segments. I don't want to give anything away, but suffice to say this part of the process is a gas - dreaming up amazing images to create the environment and atmosphere for the show. There will be a lot of late nights animating those visual ideas - but more on that in a later post. More soon.
Lilie Hoy, Kate Duhamel, James Jackson and Luke Acret